286 MINERALOGICAL REMARKS, hot in a covered crucible; after this the blow-pipe has no effect upon it. As the analyfis of this foffil gave nothing but known earths as its fixed component parts, fo I am induced to think, that the remarkable appearance produced by the blow-pipe probably depends on fome kind of elaftic fluid, which is expelled by the, effect of the fire, and which produces that appearance only by the immediate contact of free air and flame ; whereas, on the contrary, when heated in a covered veflel, it vanifhes unnoticed, without producing any effect on the mineral itfelf’—— The analyfıs of the red pebbles, which was not terminated at the conclufion of this volume, will begiven fome other time.” The defcription of the foffil from near Kamfchatka fo admirably agrees with the characters of this from Tokay, that I have purpofely abridged my own defcription, as that of the one anfwers for the other ; except that the glafs globules of the Siberian foffil are more diaphanous than thofe from Tokay, and here they are never red. Yet thefe are more diaphanous than the Obfidian from Iceland or Lipari ; and Mr. Fichtel * mentions one kind found at Pecklin, in the fame diftridt, which is juft like bottle-glafs, confequently with nearly a fimilar tranfparency. Nor, if we examine the matter more clofely, will the abfence of the red pebbles or globules make a difference ; for by the analyfis itis found, that the globules and their matrix, however * Mineral. Bemerkungen von den Carpathen, page 578. 34