268 FORK A Y. When a conliderable quantity of the Troken-deers. remains a fhort time ‘together, fome of their thick juice or firup is exprefled. and runs out: this is carefully collected: as) a great delicacy ; it iscalled fence, and has the confiftence of treacle. : No art is ufed te: fine thefe wines, nor to make them keep. "The barrels fhould be: kept full, and their outfides free from wet/and mildew. Aufbruche is not exclufively made about Tokay: there is a Saint George, a Ratfchdorf, and a Menifche duforuche, and this latter X prefer to that of Tokay; it is red+ fomeis.made likewife in the county of Oedenberg. The beft wine does not long remain in the placé of its growth: a great part of it is foon fent into: the cellars of the mobility in other parts of Hungary ; and the ereatelt quantity is to:be found in the counties of Zips and Liptau in the north, from whence it is fent into Poland. The Polifh Magnates are the beft cuftomers, particularly for the Aufbruche, which is the deareft European wine’ that is: here in the country, a bottle of the belt is valued always at about a ducat, that is near half-a-guinea. I dined once at the coffee-houle at Peft with a few friends: we had only a plain dinner, for which we paid but ‘a. moderate price: befides common wine we had fome Tokay: when‘ the waiter came to be paid, he afked each how many glafles he had drank of it, and then added twenty creutzers (about eight pence) for each glafs to the {cot of every drinker of Tokay. rs Tokay 16