TORAY. 267 avhich contains feventeen or cighteen Englifh gallons, is two bufhels of Troken-beers ; and for a catk of Ma/chlafi, which is only a lels rich liquor, the fame quantity is taken; but then the cafk is about equal 'to two antals; fo that only half the quantity of Troken-becrs ate ufed'to make Ma/chlafs as are ufed to make Au/aruche. But as the police does not interfere in this matter, and every one does as he thinks proper, thefe two liquors are often very near alike, and the ptincipal difference then 'confifts in the fize of the cafks. The mixture being made, it is ftrongly ftirred together. By this operation the feeds are feparated from the flefh of the grapes, and come to the top, and are taken out with a net or fieve: thus it semains in the fame veflel, covered over for a couple.of days, till fermentation begins; and this is fuffered to continue:about three days, according to the weather; that is, till the fermentation has properly mixed the flefhy pulp of the Zroken-beers with the common juice : it fhould be flirred every morning and evening, and the feeds carefully taken out. If the fermentation is continued toe long, the wine receives from the {kins a difagreeable brown colour, and forms a deal 6f yeaftand-fediment in the cafk. Nothing now remains to be done, but to pour this liquor through a cloth or fieve into the barrels in which it is to be kept. The refiduum is then preffed : fome even after this, pour the common juice upon this preffed refiduum ; but if the prefs is good the common wine gains little by ate M m 2 When 15