by her own weight, or watery Amphitrite stretching out her arms along the vast shores of the world. Though there was land and sea and air, it was unstable land, unswimmable water, air needing light. Nothing retained its shape, one thing obstructed another, because in the one body, cold fought with heat, moist with dry, soft with hard, and weight with weightless things. (Ovid 2000. I.1-20.) “Nature appeared the same”-as the poet says. One-faced, or faceless, without character or distinction: a “raw confused mass”. In this we see a single-faced Hegelian world. At the same time, we must be fair to Hegel. The path he shows not only must be walked by cognition, but also forms the basis of any interpretation on the basis of common sense. It must be the starting point, especially for judgment-formation. To understand the issue of mediation, you need to look more closely at the mechanism of judgment-formation, because no matter what we do in this world, we are constantly making judgments: this is a table, not a chair; this is an honest person, that one is a liar, etc. However, if I do not test this in the crucible of experience (in other words, if I do not actually determine whether the person is honest or a liar), then my judgment is only preconception, which is without experience. In pre-conception (Vor-urteil) the prefix refers to the lack of experience. In other words, I am judging in a way that has no empirical basis. For example, anti-Semitism is a preconception, and it is telling that it is well-documented even in places where there have never been Jews. Experience does not make much of a difference here. Allport writes quite a lot about this (Allport 1979., Katz 1991.). 13 The Primal Chaos