fu... ] Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, [*great] god, |............. ]. Inscribed blocks from the tomb chapel (it is not certain that all of them come from this tomb chapel) A. [... ..] Gb)! nb.t pr &mGj.t n Jmn Stj-m-ms.t(?) m3[-hrw] - es... ?before] Geb, O Lady of the House, Chantress of Amun, Sutekhy-emmesut, justi. B. [... ...] Hq3-m3°t-R-nhh m3-hrw [/docAuu a ] Hegmare-neheh, justified. ........ ] Abydos, [................- | his son, the Stablemaster |........ |, Pen-Sekhmet |.............. ]. Left edge: An offering which the King gives, to Hathor, Lady of the Sycamore, Lady of heaven, [............. |. D. [... ...]1'7(2) htp@)=tm hu. [...| your offerings(?) in the chapel'” E. Left: [... ...] m(?) Jwnw Right: (2) 'Jtm(?)! m htp=f [... ...] (2) L.. . fh wd3 snb n Rn [... ...] (3) [... ...] 'Wsjr! hrj skt oe] (4) [ove eee JR©m T3ejw [ove one] (5) [bee oe] Left: [...] in(?) Heliopolis Right: [...] Atum(?) when he retires [from life] [...] (so that) he [grants] l.p.h. to the ka of [...] [...] the Osiris, Commander of Assault Troops, [...] [...|re, of Taiu [...]97 F: [... ...] m3-hrw m htp [...] true of voice, in peace” Gr: (1) ... ...] "tp! nb $ps (2) [... ...] Gmj-wrt! n h3.t=k m3 (3) [... ...] Hg3-m3“.t-R-nhh m3-hrw (A |... ... ] prtn hr.t-ntr (5) |... ... ]w.k n=k jw jb<=k> rnp.wt 110 1077 Translation is after Mälek, 1985, 57. 1075 Translation is after Mälek, 1985, 57. 7% Translation is after Mälek, 1985, 57. 1050 Kitchen mistakenly signs it as Q.