[76.11] Ostracon, Cairo, CG 25309° (1) 'rnp.t-sp 6 3bd" [...] "sw! [... ...] jj n rmtjs.t Jn... ...] (2) [... ...] wdpw nswt Sth-hr-wnm=f [Year 6, ...... ]; there came the workman Amen]............ l, l............... ], the Royal Cupbearer (wdpw nswt), Sethirwonme ...., [........... |hab; the Scribe Amennakht went ...; [x went(?) to] Djosret, with the Scribe Amennakht. Text edition: Daressy, G. Catalogue général des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Nos. 25001-25385. Ostraca. Institut francais d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1901, 80, pl. LVI Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Historical and Biographical. Vol. VI. B. H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1983b, 148. Translation: Helck, W. Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, Papyri und Graffiti von Deir el-Medineh. Agyptologische Abhandlungen 63. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2002, 400. Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated: Translations. Vol. VI. Ramesses IV to XI, and Contemporaries. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2012, 121. Publication: Daressy, G. Catalogue général des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Nos. 25001-25385. Ostraca. Institut francais d’archéologie orientale, Cairo, 1901, 80, pl. LVI [76.12] Ostracon, Cairo, CG 25251°° (1) L... ...] (2) Jmn-R° "nswt ntrw! [... ...] (3) wdpw nswt R°-"ms-sw-Sth-hr-wnm=f' [... ...] (4) s§ Pn-B-wrt [... ..] (5) r rdj.t rh p3jj=k [... ...] (6) r ntj—tw hr [...] Jmn-R" Tf... ...] Mw.t [... ...] (7) "ntew ntrwt Ws.t) [... J [In the favour of?] Amen-Re, King of the Gods: [............ | the Royal Cupbearer (wdpw nswt) Ramesses Sethirwonmef [writes to?] the Scribe Pentaweret |......]: [“......... to make known your |....... ], that one [....]s Amen-Re |....... ], Mut, |....... ], and the gods and goddesses of Thebes |........... "]. 1064 Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 121. 1065 Translation is after Kitchen, 2012, 123-124.