Translation: Peterson, B. J. "Ágyptische Stelen und Stelenfragmente aus Stockholmer Sammlungen." Opuscula Atheniensia 9, 1969, 111-112. Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated: Translations. Vol. V. Setnakht, Ramesses III and Contemporaries. Blackwell, Oxford, 2008, 322-323. Publication: Mogensen, M. Steles égyptiennes au Musée National de Stockholm. Andr. Fred. Hôst et Fils, Copenhagen, 1919, 67. Peterson, B. J. “Agyptische Stelen und Stelenfragmente aus Stockholmer Sammlungen.” Opuscula Atheniensia 9, 1969, 111-112. http://collections.smvk.se/carlotta-mhm/web/object/3016049 General literature about the owner: Schulman, A. R. “The Royal Butler Ramessessami‘on. An Addendum.” Chronique d'Egypte 65, 1990, 14. Staring, N. Studies in the Saqqara New Kingdom Necropolis from the mid-19"" Century Exploration of the Site to the New Insights into the Life and Death of Memphite Officials, Their Tombs and the Use of Sacred Space. Doctoral dissertation. Macquarie University, Sydney, 2015, 212, no. 50. [61] Ramessesankherneheh Ramesses III [61.1] Stele, area of Lake Geneva, private collection Inscriptions in the lunette of the stele Above the god (1) Jmn n R-ms-sw hq3-Jwnw (2) 3 n nht (1) Amun of Ramesseshegaiunu, (2) great of victory. Above the king (1) nb B3.wj Wsr-m3“.t-"R mrj-Jmn (2) nb h“.w R’-ms-sw hg3-Jwnw (1) Lord ofthe Two Lands Usermaatremerianum, (2) lord ofthe crowns, Ramesseshegaiunu.