In the middle (1) nb B.wj B3-n-R" mrj-ntrw (2) nb hw Mrj.n-Pth htp-hr-m3".t (1) Lord of Both Lands, Baienre, beloved of the Gods, (2) Lord of Crowns, Merenptah. Above and in front of the adoring man (1) jn wb3 nswt wb “.wj n nb B.wj Bj-hw (2) (hr) wnmj nswt whmw nswt tpj n hm=f wb3 nswt (3) 9n “.t hnk.t R-ms(#)s-m-pr-R“ m3°-hrw (4) dd n=f Mrj-Jwnw m3°-hrw (1) By the Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswt), pure of hands, of the Lord of Both Lands, Fanbearer (2) on the King’s Right hand, First Royal Herald of His Majesty, the Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswt), (3) Superintendent of the (Wine)-Cellar'””, Ramesses-em-Per-Re, justified, (4) called Meron, justified. Lower register Above the couple (1) jt=f w-(2)p3-(3)3 (4) mw.t=f (5) (1) His father, (2-3) Yupa, (4) his mother, (5) . Above the offering man (1) wb3 nswt wh ©.wj n nb B.wj Bj-hw hr wnmj nswt (2) whmw nswt tpj n hm=f wb3 nswt 3 n St hnk.t (3) pr-3 nh wa} snb (4) R“-mss-m-pr-R“ m3°-hrw (5) dd n=f Mrj-(6)Jwnw (7) m3-hrw (1) Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswr), pure-handed, of the Lord of Both Lands, Fanbearer on the King’s Right hand, (2) First Royal Herald of His Majesty, Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswt)°* the Superintendent of the (Wine)-Cellar of Pharaoh, LPH, (4) Ramesses-emPer-Re, justified, (5) called (6) Meron, (7) justified. Inscription at the bottom (I) htp-dj-nswt Wsjr-hntj-jmnt.t dj.f pr.t-hrw k3.w 3pd.w n wb3 nswt wb wi n nb B.wj Bj-hw (2) hr wnmj nswt whmw nswt tpj n hm=f wb3 nswt 3 n ©.t hnk.t pr-3 “nh wd3 snb (3) wb3 nswt 3 n <“.t> hng.t R-ms-sw-m-pr-R° m3-hrw pn R°-ms-sw mrj-Jmn (4) mr mj R° dd n=f Bn-jw-tn n dr-bsn 1007 For this title Kitchen gives the translation ‘the Royal Cupbearer, Superintendent of the (Wine)Cellar’, however, I would rather translate the title as ‘chief royal wb? of the supplies magazine’, based on Hannig, 2006, 136. 1005 This title is missing from Kitchen’s translation.