Dorsal pillar, left line [... ...] &ft mw jrtt n Bj-hw
wnmj n nswt wb3 nswt n nb 83. wj R-ms-sw-wsr-ph.tj m3°ee... ] may he give bread, water, milk, to the Fanbearer on the King’s Right hand, Royal Cupbearer (wb3 nswr) of the Lord of Both Lands, Rames-Userpehty, the justified. Throne, left side (1) B3-n-R“ mrj Jmn (2) Mrj.n-Pth htp hr M3°.t (3) Wsjr-hntj-jmnt.t ntr 3 (1) Baienre Meriamun, (2) Merenptah, (3) beloved of Osiris, Chief of the West, great god. On the right-hand side of the king Kilt nb B.wj B3-n-R“ mrj Jmn Lord of Both Lands, Baienre Meriamun. Feet (1) nb B.wj B3-n-R“ mrj Jmn (2) nb h“.w Mrj.n-Pth hip hr M3°.t (1) Lord of Both Lands, Baienre Meriamun, (2) Lord of Crowns, Merenptah. On the left-hand side of the king Kilt [nb 23.wj] Wsr-m3“.t[-R] stp.n-R° [Lord of Both Lands], Usimare Setepenre. Feet (1) nb B.wj "Wsr-m3“.t-R° stp.n-R“ (2) [nb h“.w R"-ms-sw mrj Jmn] (1) Lord of Both Lands, Usimare Setepenre, (2) [Lord of Crowns, Ramesses II Meriamun]. Text edition: Borchardt, L. Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. N° 1-1294. Statuen und Statuetten von Kénigen und Privatleuten. Teil VI. Reichsdruckerei, Berlin, 1934, 108, Bl. 170. Kitchen, K. A. Ramesside Inscriptions. Historical and Biographical. Vol. IV. B. H. Blackwell, Oxford, 1982, 102.