Davies, B. G. — Dembitz, G. — Hsu, S-W. — Navratilova, H. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated: Notes and Comments. Vol. VII. Addenda. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2022, 177-178. https://collections.smvk.se/carlotta-mhm/web/object/3015737 Other literature: Berlandini, J. “Varia Memphitica IIL.” Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 79, 1979, 264. Porter, B. — Moss, R. L. B. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, Vol. III: Memphis. Part 2: Saqgara to Dahsür. Griffith Institut, Oxford, 1981, 761. Abd El-Gelil, M. — Shaker, M. — Raue, D. “Recent Excavations at Heliopolis.” Orientalia 65, 1996, 136-146. Davies, B. G. — Dembitz, G. — Hsu, S-W. — Navratilova, H. Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated: Notes and Comments. Vol. VII. Addenda. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2022, 178. [51.3] Sarcophagus fragments Fragment 1 (Fig. 1. by El-Alfi) (1) Wsjr wb3 nswt w°b “.wj R“-mss-nht hr |...] (1) Osiris royal wb3 clean of hands, Ramessesnakht, [...] (1) dd mdw jn Qbh-sn.w=f jj[...] (1) Words spoken by Qebehsenuef [...] (3)=k hsq°® n=k qs.w=k “w=k Wsjr wh3 nswt [...] (3) your [...], ??? for you your bones and your limbs, Osiris royal wb3 [...] Fragment 2 (Fig. 2. by El-Alfi) the two left columns from right to left (1) "ah R¢ mt Stw [...] (2) wa3 ntj m db3.t m3Thrw [...] 1003 Usually, the verb s3k , pull together, gather” is used in similar expressions, the verb hsq „cut off, cut out” is hardly explainable here, it is supposedly a scribal error.