The 19" dynasty [30] Ptahpatener Early 19" dynasty [30.1] Stele, Bologna, 1906 On the frame of the stele On the left side htp-dj-nswt Wsjr-hntj-jmnt.t n k3 n wb3 nswt wh ©wj Pth-p3-tnr hsjj hr jmnt.t An offering which the king gives Osiris, Foremost of the West, to the ka of the royal wb3 clean of hands, Ptahpatener, favoured in the West. On the right side htp-dj-nswt Wsjr nb 3bdw n k3 n hm ntr wb hrj-hbt n Hr-m-hb Pth-p3-tnr hsjj hr jmnt.t An offering which the king gives Osiris, lord of Abydos, to the ka of the prophet, the wab-priest, the lector priest of Horemheb, Ptahpatener, favoured in the West. In the upper scene Above Osiris (1) Wsjr-hntj-(2)jmnt.t nb 3bdw (1) Osiris, Foremost of the West, (2) lord of Abydos. Above Horus (I) Hr-3htj ntr nfr (2) nb p.t jr B (1) Harakhti, the good god, (2) lord of the sky, who created the earth. In the middle scene In front of the king nb 8.wj Dsr-hprw-R nb hk°w Hr-m-hb mrj-Jmn dj nh mj R° Lord of the Two Lands, Djeserkheperure, lord of the crowns, Horemheb-meriamun, given life like Re.