[28] Nebnefer Late 189 — 19" dynasty [28.1] Shabti, Amiens, Musée de Picardie, 3057326 (1) shd Wsjr s§ nswt wb3 nswt Nb-nfr m3°-hrw dd.fj Swhtj jpn (2) jr jp.tw.k jr hsb.tw.k Wsjr hsjj 3 n ntr nfr ss nswt (3) wb3 nswt Nb-nfr m3“-hrw r jr.t k3.wt nb<.wt> j jrr.wt m hrt-ntr srwd (4) sh.t smh wdb.w r hn<.t> str j3bt.t (5) r jmnt.t hn<.t> S“.tr jmt.tr j3bt.t Jstw hw (6) dnj.wt jm=fr-gs m z r hr.wt=f jr jp.tw.(T)k r nw nb jnk jrjj m-k k3 (1) The illuminated Osiris, the royal scribe, the royal wb3, Nebnefer, justified, he says: “O, these shabtis, (2) if one counts you off, if one reckons you, the Osiris, the greatly favoured of the good god, the royal scribe, (3) the royal wb3, Nebnefer, justified, to do all the works which have to be done in the necropolis, to make arable (4) the field, to irrigate the riversides, to transport sand to the East (5) (and) to the West, to transport sand to the West (and) to the East, indeed, obstacles (6) are implanted therewith as a man at his 9 duties, if one reckons you (7) at any time, ‘I shall do it!’ — see, thus (you shall say.) Text edition: Amélineau, E. Les nouvelles fouilles d’Abydos 1895-1896. Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1899, 160-161, pl. IV. (lower line, 3" from the left) Schneider, H. D. Shabtis I. An Introduction to the History of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Statuettes. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, 1977, fig. 5, doc. 3. Translation: Schneider, H. D. Shabtis I. An Introduction to the History of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Statuettes. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, 1977, 107-109, 192. Perdu, ©. — Rickal, E. La collection égyptienne du musée de Picardie. Réunion des Musées nationaux/Musée de Picardie, Paris — Amiens, 1994, 134, N° 226 Publication: Amélineau, E. Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos 1895-1896. Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1899, 160-161. Perdu, O. — Rickal, E. La collection égyptienne du musée de Picardie. Réunion des Musées nationaux/Musée de Picardie, Paris — Amiens, 1994, p. 134, N° 226