Remains: — tomb structure — stele, Saggara Ranking titles: Jjrj-p"t h3tj-" smr-w.tj Functional titles: wb3 nswt wb3 nswt wb “.wj Jmj-r3 [...] [...] nb B.wj Honorific titles: hsjj n nb t3.wj mrj nb=f Similarly to Setau, the dating in the case of Seth is also based on the stylistic criteria of the facial characteristics of the owner on his stele‘” found not far from his tomb in the Bubasteion (1.13).* According to this, Seth was active under Amenhotep III, as the stele must have been made at the end of his reign, and he might have continued his career under Akhenaten.*” The location of his tomb indicates that he served in the royal palace in Memphis. The rock-cut tomb consists of three rooms, one opening from the other, with a limestone door frame in the second passage, and a burial shaft opening from the third room. Unfortunately, the wall decoration is not accessible in several parts of the tomb because of later masonry built up in front of the walls to stabilize the structure of the tomb, which would have had to have been removed to gain access to the walls. Furthermore, the walls of the first room are severely damaged due to the infiltration of water over the years." The limestone door frame leading to the third room provides information on the owner of the tomb: some titles and the name of Seth can be read on the lintel and the doorjambs.™ In the third room, remains of engraved and painted wall decoration depict the seated tomb owner, identified by his name and, receiving an offering from a man standing before him.” 7 Zivie, 1998, 179. 55 For a general overview of the tomb and the stele, Zivie, 1997; Zivie, 1998, 36-37. 19 Zivie, 1997, 378-379; Zivie, 1998, 37; Zivie, 2000, 179. ”° Zivie, 1997, 375; Zivie, 1998, 36-37. * Zivie, 1997, 375. 22 Zivie, 1997, 376.