short side allocates a place to spell 902 of the Coffin Texts, which also has a parallel in the tomb of Rekhmire." Maspero mentions?? a shabti once kept in the Bulag Museum and assigns its provenance Bab el-Meluk in Thebes, yet, the object has appeared in none of the later lists or publications of shabties, and its present location is unknown.*? No illustration is available of the shabti, it is therefore not possible to date the object based on stylistic criteria. Its inscription names an wb3 nswt T3wj and makes it highly probable that the shabti belonged to the royal wb3 Sarenenutet Tjaui, despite the slight difference in the written forms of the name.“ The tomb of Sarenenutet Tjaui must have been in the upper cemetery of Dra Abu el-Naga in the Theban necropolis, since more of his monuments have been found there, such as the relief block (MFA 1972.651), the fragment of the offering table, which is now located in the Penn Museum (29-87-474), and a brick, also located in the Penn Museum (29-86-717), which might be part of an architectural element of the tomb indicated by the angle of its surface. Two similar objects can be found in the Petrie Museum (UC69964) and in the Neues Museum (AM 15704) which are also connected to Sarenenutet Tjaui as the inscriptions on them prove mentioning his name and his titles wb3 nswt ‘royal wb? and 3 n wb.w n Wrt-hk3w ‘chief of the wab-priests of Werethekau’. Both bricks are curved, which indicates that they might have been part of an arch or a vault, probably at the entrance or in the superstructure of the tomb. III.16. Setau Date: Amenhotep III (based on the stylistic criteria of the stele) Genealogy: Setau 3 m Henutweret ? ol son d? Nia 9? ™ Davies, 1943, pl. XCVI,2; Clère, 1981, 226. 52 Maspero, 1889, 10, pl. 36e. *8 | would hereby like to thank Frauke Pumpenmeier for providing me with information on the shabti and for her valuable notes on its probable connection to Sarenenutet Tjaui. + The name of Sarenenutet Tjaui consequently appears as MPA on his other remains, while the name on the shabti appears as Si. 55. For a detailed description of the provenance of the monuments, see Clère, 1981, 232-234.