Basic title Title extension Translation Titleholder Jmj-r3 ms“ general Sety Jrj-rd.wj n nb B.wj attendant of the lord of the Two Lands Hesinetjeref attendant of the lord of the Two Lands in irj- j 3.wj s.t nb. .n. P: fi Jrj-rd.wj n nb B.wj ms.tnb.t hnd.nf every place wherever he goes arennefer rirdwinnb B.wi hr 2 . attendant of the lord of the Two Lands in the Qenamun Jri-rd.wj n nb B.wj hr h3s.t rsj.t southern land ena vind wi nnb Bewi 5 orh mi h attendant of the lord of the Two Lands who is 5 jut Jri-rd.wj n nb B.wj | tm m t$j grh mj hrw never absent by night or day uemniu hrj-jhw stable master Suemniut hrj-jhw n nb B.wj stable master of the lord of the Two Lands Suemniut hrj-pd.t qnj valiant troop commander Ramessesasha-hebused Smsw nb rww.t=f follower of the lord on his journeys Hesinetjeref nb rww.t=f hr h35.wt] follower of the lord on his journeys to the Sms nn H kh nn rsj.t mhj.t southern and northern lands eqanakht smsw nb=f tj sw m jnpw follower of his lord while he was young Ptahemwia (I) Smsw nswt follower of the king Djehuti (1), Suemniut r nmtt=f hr h3s.wt follower of the king on all his exploits in the Smsw ns . Suemniut SPSU PISE rsj.t mhj.t southern and northern foreign lands m Smsw nswt rww.t=f follower of the king on his journey Djehuti (1) Smsw nswt hr mw hr B follower of the king on water and on land Suemniut Smsw nswt hr h3s.t nb.t follower of the king in every foreign land Djehuti (I), Neferperet Smsw nswt hr h3s.wt nb.wt follower of the king in every foreign land Djehuti (1) Smsw nswt [...] follower of the king [...] Suemniut Bj-pd.t bow-bearer Wah Bj-srjj.t standard-bearer Suemniut Bj-srjj.t hr wnmj nswt standard-bearer on the right of the king Paser The numerous honorific titles which are mentioned in the sources, mainly from the 18" dynasty, also refer to the close personal relationship of the official with the ruler. (For the full list of the honorific titles in this corpus, see table 1.5. in the Appendix.) The occurrences of these titles can be explained on the one hand by the difference between the