WHICH INITIATION DOES NOT LEAD ÁSTRAY FROM THE IRUE MYSTERIES itself.”!* Mythologies tautegorically manifest their truth in mysteries so as mysteries are tautegorical manifestations of truth with respect to consciousness and world. Needless to say, “tautegorical” as a proprium of real truth must firstly be stated—at the noematic side of the Mysterienlehre—with respect to the one, pure spiritual god /rein geistiger Gott]. C. Tautegory and initiation What is remarkable in Schelling’s theory of mysteries and truth intertwined with consciousness and causing deities /verursachende Gétter] is the fact that he lets mysteries and, hence, truth and cognizance of man, world, and God emerge from a subject-less self-consciousness and freedom. He states: “In the mysteries, mythology was conscious of itself—in the mysteries it understood itself and this understanding consisted in the fact that the entire history of deities turned into a history of God himself”! A mytho-logical subject-less self-consciousness thus operates—throughout a progressive metahistorical history toward monotheism—according to a logos that is able to see [Anschauen].'° With respect to initiation, this implies that the initiates are brought into a condition of seeing not by virtue of a captative vision by dint of an apprehensive intellect. Rather, their seeing is preceded by the tautegorical self-manifestation of truth and, hence, it concerns a seeing of truth (a state of cognizance) for which the eyes must be made receptive. With lyrical wording, Schelling states: “This futurity, the future religion [of the One Spiritual God] did close off the mouth of the initiates, and understanding of it was kept as a secret—at the very most one ventured to let it be contemplated by the eyes, but not dared to entrust it to the ears in words.””” What has made itself apparent to the initiates amounts, firstly, to the spiritual (the esoteric) reality as indwelling in the material (the exoteric), and, secondly and foremost, the One [God] of monotheism, spiritually realized in the many (polytheism). Being brought into this blessed state of complete initiation or completed freedom, the higher cognizing consciousness /das Hoheres begreifenden Bewusstsein]'® of the initiates in its intercourse with the One, is living through its Ursein, i.e., its original paradisiacal state of being. No earlier state of consciousness— for instance: the object-consciousness and self-consciousness thought of by the philosophers as emerging from the split between object and subject— can ever be thought. The “higher cognizing consciousness” of the initiates is identified as its or their unprethinkable /unvordenkliche] state of being. 1 Ibid. 5 Urfassung, 45th Lecture, 352. 16 Id., 40th Lecture, 303, also 46“ Lecture, 367. 17 Id., 47th Lecture, 367. 18 Id., 42nd Lecture, 320. Daréczi-Sepsi-Vassänyi_Initiation_155x240.indb 225 6 2020.06.15. 11:04:21