IS THE MYSTICISM OF GIORDANO BRUNO A FORM OF INITIATION? ——~o » —_—_ ANTONIO DALLIGNA ABSTRACT If one considers initiation as a radical gnoseological and ontological transmutation, it is possible to examine the thought of Giordano Bruno (especially in its mystical consequences) from the perspective of whether it can be interpreted as a form of initiation. The main features of a metaphysically founded initiation (i.e. in which the transmutation does not represent merely social and human reintegration) are the close connection with a supernatural plane, the adaptation of the divine sphere to the human level, the preliminary presence of the divine in humankind, the ideas of ritual death and second birth, the ritual nature of the process of initiation, the radical reformation of the human soul, the strong speculative nature of the mystical work, the importance of the human inner deed, the enduring effect of the initiation, the transmission of the hidden gnosis, the close relationship among the initiates inside an esoteric organization, the ability to exert an influence in the mundane sphere, and the presence of a gradualness in the initiation process. In the present study, I affirm that the mysticism of Giordano Bruno can be associated with this kind of initiation, since it can be considered the highest intensification of knowledge and will, which allows humankind to realize a conscious and transfiguring conversion to its metaphysical origin by means of a mystical inner deed and to reach a preeminent position in the social and political sphere. Some differences between Bruno’s mysticism and this kind of initiation as to this framework can be identified in the non-ritual character of transmutation, the instability of the mystical meeting (the effects of which are not permanent), and the establishment of a brotherhood of wise men, on which Bruno does not take a clear stand. + 207 ¢ Daréczi-Sepsi-Vassänyi_Initiation_155x240.indb 207 6 2020.06.15. 11:04:20