ANIKÓ DARÓCZI child’ what He is and how He treats ‘His maidens’ (meiskenen). He must devour her, swallow her up, and there, in that unity the two shall dwell in each other. What is noticeable here is the spatial, the flowing and the sensual elements that emerge from the doxological, mystical litany: May God make known to you, dear child, who He is and how He deals with his servants and specifically with His handmaids; and devour you in Him: where the depth of His wisdom is, there He will teach you what He is, and how wondrously sweetly one beloved dwells in the other and so through and through indwells the other that neither of them recognizes himself, but they mutually enjoy each other mouth in mouth, and heart in heart, and body in body, and soul in soul, and one sweet divine nature flowing through them both, and both of them one through each other and also both remain, yes so they remain. God doe u weten, lieue kint/ wie hi es / Ende wies hi pleghet /met sinen knechten / Ende nameleke met sinen meiskenen; Ende verslende v un hem: daer de diepheit siere vroetheit es / daer sal hi v leren / wat hi es / Ende hoe wonderleke soeteleke /dat een lief in dat ander woent / Ende soe dore dat ander woent / Dat haerre en gheen hem seluen en onderkent / Mer si ghebruken onderlinghe ende elc anderen / Mont in mont / ende herte in herte / Ende lichame in lichame / Ende ziele in ziele / Ende ene soete godlike nature doer hen beiden vloyende / Ende si beide een dore hen seluen / Ende al eens beide bliuen / Ja ende bliuende. Although she states that it is only God himself who can teach the ‘dear child’, she at the same time suggests to her what obtaining the knowledge would be like and in which space this would take place. The highest points of Hadwijch’s creative mystical language generated by the experience of unity are the texts «128 + Daréczi-Sepsi-Vassänyi_Initiation_155x240.indb 128 6 2020.06.15. 11:04:16