E ~ LIBRO at Per lombra ächordi Az oner diuno ligno 10 dreciato LE de 2 —. Vnapala di er ouer = altro Teale : Fine lemodo nil fadi efler eödutta:äle git & tre Ihaueratocato pet alia ra itraré flag cépu et siden men es Imometo {pati diltepo& & ädado igiu pif de ‘pedi la Gntitate de cubiti tae quello il quale in fa minor ré mazore a te teftificandd'dimoft 02. Valturius 1483 ‘The fact of copying was determined by Janos Csontosi, but he did not examine the relation of it to the rest of the extant codices.” The later published editions reveal hidden interesting things. The Latin and the 1483 Italian edition published in Verona (Boninus de Boninis)”’ copy the engravings of the first editio from 1472 and these images were used by André Wechel Parisian printer as well. By 1532 he was already working with line engravings, and occasionally he deviated from the original drawings, for instance at the end of Book II the bastions are to the right side of the shooting man (while in the two Veronese incunabulum and in the Dresden codex these are to the left side). 972 "THE Hungarian literature is not aware of Rodakiewitz’s essential work on this subject (RODAKIEWITZ 1940). 95 HC 15.848, ISTC iv00089000 (Latin) (Sanper 1942, Nr. 7462.); HC 15.849 HC 15.849, ISTC iv00090000 (Italian) (SANDER 1942, Nr. 7483.) % Paris, 1532, 1534, 1535, 1553. I used the 1532 edition, National Széchényi Library Ant. 337(2). 27