WHAT IS BEHIND THE ACADEMIC ELECTION? also proved that discrimination between sexes is very prominent in the common conception, and the recognition and acknowledgement of womens academic guality can even be distorted because of that." We can assume that the critical evaluation of the election and the reasoning behind the initiative that aims to change it disturb the natural democratic progress as a result of the unchangeable mistakes of previous eras, that this way cannot respond to the challenges of modern ages and prohibits successful economic and social cohesion. In the view of certain members, an element that needs to be changed during the voting process of some classes is for example the mechanism of using a confidential NO without explanation, replaced with only a YES or the option to leave a blank answer. Explanation: the NO vote without an explanation is one of the remaining traditions from the communist era, and it has no place in the 21st century.’ The success of the change and the transformation of the academic election system depends on — as I have mentioned above — the fundamental change of attitude, which is always a slow and time-consuming process. “[...] If we manage to shift the searching, nominating and electing practices to a better direction, we can generate a significant change in the approaches that evolved during recent decades. The former one is easier, the latter, because of its nature of being bound to inurement, is significantly harder.”!*° We should not dismiss the exceptions in the Principles of the election of members in 2016. At first sight it might look like a huge achievement, as it says “Academical classes — in cases of candidates with equal achievements — (a.) should be aware of the (i.): ratio of men and women;”!?” Even though in the light of these facts it might seem like only a formal statement and remains in the shadows of the evolved habits and practices, it still appears democratic. In other words, only changing some rules or applying new ones cannot work because in addition "it reguires the change ofthe whole Hungarian society and the public opinion which would be a long process. Furthermore, if these complex changes magically happened in a day, the results in the membership of female researchers and scientists would become apparent only two-three-four decades later. We cannot wait that long.”!°° 194 Csépe, V.: Tul az tivegplafonon, Magyar Tudomdny 178, 2017, 359. Somogyi: Alkalmasak-e a magyar nök, 862. Csépe: Tul az üvegplafonon, 359. http://mta.hu/data/dokumentumok/hatteranyagok/akademikusvalasztas/2016evi_ akademikusvalasztas_iranyelvek.pdf (accessed 30 May 2017). Csermely: A nők tudományos előmenetele, 624. 195 196 197 = 98 + 67 +