WHAT IS BEHIND THE ACADEMIC ELECTION? the regular members to become members ofthe Hungarian Academy of Sciences (henceforth Academy). (3) Ihe number of the members under the age of 70 cannot exceed 200, and the total number of regular members cannot exceed 365. (4) During the election of external members it should be taken into consideration that the total number of external members under the age of 70 should stay below 70 persons. (5) The overall number of the electable candidates to become honorary members at the Academy’s election meeting should not exceed 11 persons.'?® At the Academy’s 186th General Meeting, by the guiding principles established by the Assembly of Academics, the most important aspects of the election of new members are the academic achievement and the traditional academical values like international recognition, school establishing activities, and long-term outstanding professional efficiency.'*’ These principles specially define the detailed requirements of achieving different classes and exhaustively list the conditions of earning the titles of full, correspondent, external and honorary membership. Based on these, full membership can be given to a Hungarian citizen who has already been given the correspondent member title and who has achieved significant scientific results after receiving the correspondent status. An external member can be the scientist who habitually lives outside of the borders of Hungary, who is not or not only a Hungarian citizen but identifies himself or herself as Hungarian and masters his or her science at high standards in a constitutive and acknowledged way while also maintains a close relationship with the Hungarian scientific scene. Honorary member can be a foreigner (not Hungarian citizen or dual citizen, as well as Hungarian citizen living in a foreign country) scientist who is practicing his or her expertise in an internationally significant way at high standards so he or she can rightfully expect the special appreciation of the Hungarian academics.'?® The first step in the process of becoming a member of the Academy is a letter of recommendation. In fact “[...] a recommendation of written form of the members of the Academy is needed, and must be handed in before the deadline set by the members of the chairmanship, to the assigned scientific department.”1®° 186 http://mta.hu/data/dokumentumok/hatteranyagok/akademikusvalasztas/2016_evi_ akademikusvalasztas_elj_szab.pdf (accessed 30 May 2017). http://mta.hu/mta_hirei/akademikusvalasztas-nyilvanosak-az-akademiai-tagajanlasok-105782 (accessed 30 May 2017). 188 Tbidem. 18 http://mta.hu/data/dokumentumok/hatteranyagok/akademikusvalasztas/2016_evi_ akademikusvalasztas_elj_szab.pdf (accessed 30 May 2017). 187