DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS" PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES THROUGH SUPERVISION an opportunity for professional development. Teachers’ emotions and the effect they have on pedagogical process are a highly significant element of effective teaching and are given much attention in the supervision process. According to Hargreaves, one of the most renowned researchers of changing schools into learning organizations, emotions are at the very core of teaching, meanwhile good teachers are emotional and devoted individuals who are connected with their students, while filling classrooms with kindness, creativity, challenges, and relaxed atmosphere. Hargreaves sets out four statements forming the basis of the teacher-student relationship: + Teaching is emotional practice. ¢ Teaching and learning incorporate emotional understanding. ¢ Teacher’s emotions cannot be separated from their moral intentions and their capabilities to actualize those intentions. With that in mind, Hargreaves also stresses that teachers, burdened by the weight of curricular contents to be lectured and, consequentially, lacking the time to build solid relations with their students, often misinterpret students’ behavior which affects teachers’ capabilities to help students learn.* Hargreaves is convinced that in the process of school reforms too much focus is put on the rational dimensions of human behavior, while emotional dimensions, which should be in the centre of the process, are being neglected. As established by Slovenian and foreign experts who research supervision, in addition to learning, supervision also enables efficient relief of tension and stress.’ THE PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this study was to find answers to the following questions: s Does inclusion in the supervision process help to raise awareness of the importance of teachers’ roles and responsibilities in order to achieve education goals, and how? Which tasks are deemed the most essential by teachers? 4 A. Hargreaves, The Emotional Practice of Teaching, Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol. 14, No. 8, 1998, 835-854. 15 Ibid. B. Bogataj, Supervizija v vzgojnih zavodih in stanovanjskih skupinah, Socialna pedagogika, 1 (3) (1997) 47-70.; Klemen£icC Rozman, M. M., Dozivljanje supervizijskega procesa pri (bodocih) strokovnjakih v poklicih pomoëi, Socialna pedagogika, vol. 14, St. 1,2010, 83-100.; P. Hawkins —R. Shohet, Supervision in the helping professions, Philadelphia, Open University Press, 1989.; P. Hawkins — N. Smith, Coaching, Mentoring and Organisational Consultancy. Supervision and Development, England, Open University Press, 2006. * 169 +