How Do WE DESCRIBE WHAT WE ARE DOING? professions and to each other. While "several conditions for the formation of a profession — such as the organisation of professional associations, the existence of academic research about supervision and coaching, and the formalisation and certification of continuing education and training offers — have already been met”” by both groups, other significant conditions — such as the existence of acommonly used description standard and terminology, and a Europe-wide accepted competence framework for Supervision and Coaching — are currently lacking but in development. For example, the following competence frameworks have been developed in the field of counselling, supervision and coaching in recent years: + the Competence Glossary and Framework v2 of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC, 2015)” + the “Kompetenzprofil für Beratende (Competence profile for counselling practitioners)” (nfb, 2012)” ¢ the ECVision Glossary and Competence Framework for Supervision and Coaching (ANSE, 2015)” The EMCC Competence Framework covers eight competence categories and four capability indicators that provide a basis for the assessment and recognition of professional mentoring and coaching competences. The EMCC engages in the professionalisation of Coaching and Mentoring and developed together with the International Coach Federation (ICF) The Professional Charter for Coaching and Mentoring. The Charter establishes guidelines for professional and ethical practice by coaches, mentors and their member organisations. It has been adopted by the leading coaching organisations and has been “approved 26 Ibid. For details see: EMCC competence framework glossary: www.emccouncil.org/webimages/ EU/EQA/emcc-competence-framework-glossary.pdf, accessed 14 October 2015. and EMCC competence framework: www.emccouncil.org/webimages/EU/EQA/emcc-competenceframework-v2.pdf, accessed 14 October 2015. 28 For details see: M. Haas — C. Schiersmann - P. C. Weber, Ausführliche Darstellung des Kompetenzprofils fiir Beratende, in Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung (nfb) und Forschungsgruppe Beratungsqualität am Institut für Bildungswissenschaft der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (ed.), Kompetenzprofil für Beratende, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2012, 13-20. Online: www.elgpn.eu/elgpndb/fileserver/files/51. 29 For details see: M. Ajdukovic - L. Cajvert - M. Judy -— W. Knopf - H. Kuhn, - K. Madai - M. Voogd, ECVision. A European Competence Framework of Supervision and Coaching, Wiener Volkshochschulen, Wien, 2015, 5, www.anse.eu/tl_files/ecvision/dokuments/ECVision_ Competence_Framework033015.pdf, accessed 13 October 2015.; M. Ajdukovic - L. Cajvert —- M. Judy - W. Knopf - H. Kuhn - K. Madai — M. Voogd, ECVision. A European Glossary of Supervision and Coaching, Wiener Volkshochschulen, Wien 2015, 5, www.anse.eu/tl_files/ ecvision/dokuments/ECVision_Glossary.pdf, accessed 13 October 2015.