BRIGITTE SCHIGL articles on the topic of difficult situations in supervision. Müller? detected in a data collection in the geriatric field in Austria, Germany and Switzerland that only one third of the sample found Supervision highly useful and only one third pointed out that their supervisors were highly competent. Gottfried”! found in a Europe-wide multicentre Study in the field of Supervision in psychiatric clinics that more than 20% of the sample reported critical and negative experiences in supervision. The last, broadly discussed paper was presented by Schmeruly et al.”on negative effects of Coaching. Inan analysis of the two leading German periodicals on supervision, the “OSC journal” (Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching) and “supervision Mensch Arbeit Organisation” from the years 2000-2009 Kero”? found out that only 4% (25 in total) of all the articles mentioned the subject of risks or side effects of supervision. This literature analysis was the first research work the students of the Supervision course of the Danube University conducted. The themes in the articles were abuse and misapplication of supervision, transgression of the limits and exploitation of supervisees, the supervisors’ blind spots, missing reflection and incompetence and corruptibility of the supervisor. The main reason for the unwanted effects seems to be missing clearness about the diagnosis, the aims and the rules of the process. Own Results from different points of view The following data are the output of the “RISK”-theme cluster which was processed by participants of the master-course in Coaching and Supervision for their master theses and can originally be found online at Danube Universitat Krems.?* 20 Hilarion G. Petzold - Lotti Müller - Michael König, Supervision im Feld der Altenarbeit im deutschsprachigen Raum - ein Vergleich der empirischen Felderkundungen in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz, 2008, www.fpi-publikation.de/images/stories/downloads/ supervision/petzoldmuellerkoenigsup_09_2008.pdf, accessed 18 May 2015. Kurt Gottfried, Supervision in Psychiatrischen Kliniken: Eine europdische empirische Multicenter-Vergleichs-Studie Fallsupervision versus Teamsupervision, Hamburg, Dr. Kovac Verlag, 2012. ” Carsten Christoph Schermuly — Marie-Luise Schermuly-Haupt — Franziska Schélmerich — Hannah Rauterberg, Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie... — Negative Effekte von Coaching, Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 2014/01, DOI: 10.1026/09324089/a000129. Judith Kero, Thematisierung von unerwünschten Effekten in der Supervision untersucht anhand der Quellenanalyse der Zeitschriften OSC und Supervision, 2010, www.fpipublikation.de/images/stories/downloads/supervision/kero_judith_monika-thematisierung_ supervision-07_2010.pdf, accessed 18 July 2015. www.donau-uni.ac.at/de/department/psymed/masterthesen/index.php + 104 +