"THERE IS A TIME FOR EACH AND EVERY THING" The results offer an overview of the most commonly used communication strategies by supervisors and supervisees. She found that demonstrating openness and cognitive and emotional understanding are the most vital in making supervisees feel secure, and she presents a list of the communication strategies used by supervisors to achieve these results. Finally, we take this opportunity to thank the rector of Karoli Gaspar University Prof. Dr. Péter Balla for kindly making the university facilities available to us, and the dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dr. Enik6 Sepsi for hosting the conference and supporting the production and publication of this book. We also like to thank our colleagues from the Hungarian Association of Supervisors MSZCT for their moral and logistical support. We are moreover grateful to Barbara Baumann, who was a great help in organising the conference. A special word of thanks goes to Beate Fietze, who provided her knowledge of supervision and coaching, so leaving her theoretical fingerprints on the conception of the conference. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOUCAULT, Michel, Histoire de la Sexualité 1: La volonté de savoir, Paris, Gallimard, 1976. FOUCAULT, Michel, Histoire de la sexualité 3: Le souci de soi, Paris, Gallimard, 1984. HEssE, Hermann, Siddhartha — an Indian Poem, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2008/1913. + 21°