630 Contributors Magdalena Sztandara, magdalena.sztandara@uj.edu.pl PhD, anthropologist working at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow. Sztandara deals with visual anthropology, photography, the anthropology of performance, and performance ethnography. Her major research fields are performative practices and activism of women in Serbia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She also conducts research about postwar migrants in Serbia. Evgenia Troeva, troeva@abv.bg PhD, associate professor at the Department of Historical Ethnology at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Troeva’s research is focused on issues of religion, memory, identity, migration, and ethnicity. She has published two books on the Muslim Bulgarians and a number of articles on the aspects of interethnic/interreligious relations, cultural memory, and religious identity. Lilia Uzlowa, usli@gmx.net or Uslowa.Lilia@gera.de PhD, researching postcards and postcard archives since 1999. Uzlowa was born in 1958 and grew up in Bulgaria, studied Bulgarian and English at Veliko Tarnovo University. In 1986, she moved to Germany to promote and teach Bulgarian as a foreign language. Now she works as a lecturer and reviewer. Her main subjects include identity, dynamics of identity, the culture of memory, socialism (GDR, Bulgaria), and travel. Her doctoral thesis is entitled Ethnological Aspects of Leisure and Tourism in the GDR and Bulgaria 1950 to 1990 and is based on personal texts of postcards. She is the author of numerous publications, including two books, on various subjects. Valentina Vaseva, valiavaseva@abv.bg PhD, associate professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Vaseva’s research interests lie in rituals, migration, and ethnic minorities in Bulgaria. Among her publications is the monograph The Rhythm of Life (2006).