ill. 1-2 Icon Animorum by John Barclay and the Origins of the Characterization of European Nations Bar SICH JOANNIS BARCLAU a. ICON“? ANIMORUM. Æditio Indice, Capitum, Rerum & Lerborum, anttior, Sumpt. Chriftiani Hermsdorffii, Literis WusTIANIS Anno 1675. Frontispiece and title page of the 1675 Frankfurt edition of Barclay’s Icon Animorum. Two persons, an ugly humpback and a handsome young man, gaze into a mirror. Antiquity. The engraving is signed at the bottom corner: J. P. Thelott (?) f/ecit/. On the tree there is the publisher's device with the saying HIS STANTIBVS OMNIA RIDENT. In the central part of the title page one finds the possessor’s mark: The book is to be found today in the Library of Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), the successor of the Jesuit University of Nagyszombat/Trnava. In the same library we find more copies of Barclay’s book. ELTE EK KRNYO (Bar 09161). Courtesy of the Library. (Identification by Ildikó Sz. Kristóf, Melinda Simon and Vilmos Voigt). 39