GÁBOR HALMAI "Every child shall have the right to the protection and care necessary for his or her proper physical, mental and moral development. Hungary protects children’s right to the gender identity they were born with and ensures their upbringing based on our national self-identification and Christian culture.” Another observation of Fukuyama is that given the importance of strong state action to slow the pandemic, it will be hard to argue against a stronger state involvement during a national emergency. Also, according to Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard the virus rather strengthened than weakened national sovereignty.** Similarly, a report of Carnegie Europe asserts that most governments have assumed executive powers considered to be broadly necessary to contain the health crisis, and it remains uncertain whether these will entail long-term restrictions on democratic rights and human dignity.** Measures implemented to prevent or slow the spread of the virus have a disproportionately negative impact on vulnarable catagories of people, not only migrants, refugees, but also ethnic minorities, the elderly, prisoners, those with phisical or mental disabilities. Ivan Krastev calls it one of the Corona-paradoxes that when people realize the threat to dignity and fundamental rights they are rather inclined to reject authoritarian rule.’ Because one common understanding, has been that the ’rights versus public health’ paradigm is fundamentally flawed: rights-respecting measures which secure public confidence are “more likely to be more effective and sustainable over time than arbitrary or repressive ones”.?” The COVID-19 pandemic further complicated the answer to the question, what is the state of the human dignity-based ‘civilisation’, which according to 32 See Gábor Halmai, Gábor Mészáros, Kim Lane Scheppele, So It Goes, Part II, Verfassungsblog (20 November 2020), https://verfassungsblog.de/so-it-goes-part-ii/. 33 Ivan Krastev, Mark Leonard, Europe’s pandemic politics: How the virus has changed the public’s worldview, ECFR (20 June 2020), https://ecfr.eu/publication/europes_pandemic_ politics_how_the_virus_has_changed_the_publics_worldview/. 34 Richard Youngs, How the Coronavirus Tests European Democracy, Carnegie Europe (23 June 2020), https://carnegieeurope.eu/2020/06/23/how-coronavirus-tests-europeandemocracy-pub-82109. % Joelle Grogen, States of Emergency, Verfassungsblog (26 May 2020), https://verfassungsblog. de/states-of-emergency/. 36 Ivan Krastev, Sieben Corona-Paradoxien — es ist nicht leicht zu begreifen, was das Virus mit unserer Welt gemacht hat, während wir in unserem Zuhause festsassen, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (16 June. 2020), https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/sieben-corona-paradoxien-was-dasvirus-mit-uns-gemacht-hat-ld.1557102?reduced=true. 3” Alice Donald — Philip Leach, Human Rights — The Essential Frame of Reference in the Global Response, Verfassungsblog (12 May 2020), https://verfassungsblog.de/human-rightsthe-essential-frame-of-reference-in-the-global-response-to-covid-19/. s 380 "