Part II. Storytelling in the Information Age [ 75 to interpret the data set. For visualizations of large datasets, dynamic and responsive visualizations that also allow for reader interactivity are especially effective tools.” Another means through which audience interaction can be easily achieved is the presentation of static data-driven stories real-time. Involving the audience in the data presentation stimulates curiosity and provides the experience of drawing conclusions through collective effort. The means of engagement can be a poll with a suitable interactive presentation interface or an interactive map on the topic which the audience can use to view relevant data. The emotional impact of DDS can be enhanced by dynamic visualizations. In the case of the dynamic interactive visualization of deaths caused by the legal use of firearms in the US, countless tragic life narratives are included. The frightening contrast between life expectancy calculated based on demographic data and deaths from gun violence is also presented in this powerful visualization. Narrative flow can be reinforced by a gradual development of the theme, aided by maps and dynamic infographics, and a dramatic effect be achieved with the use of dynamic tools (e.g., when presenting a dramatic increase in case numbers) (Bach et al., 2018).*! Dynamic visualizations present trends in progress, for which audiovisual representations are the appropriate means of expression. Regarding the subject of life expectancy and population, Hans Rosling created a dynamic graph with color codes and scales to show population trends and living standards on different continents over the last 200 years, influenced by social, economic, and cultural factors. A similar visualization was produced at the turn of the millennium showing the locations and frequency of nuclear explosions around the world in the second half ofthe 20% century.” The explosions are represented by numbers, country flags and flashes on a map, and the datadriven story is unique in that the explosions are accompanied by sounds of different frequencies for different countries, making the video not only a visual but also an auditory experience akin to a thrilling symphony. Danish public media chose a different kind of dynamic visualization to illustrate the 2015 refugee crisis, presenting the trends of the global social crisis through scrollable storytelling accompanied by explanatory texts and interactive maps.” This form of presentation allows the reader to choose the details that interest them the most. The visualization places the phenomenon in a global context while also showing migration trends by city. By presenting the real context, the presentation demystifies the political panic around the refugee crisis. Responsive, interactive visualizations represent a new trend in dynamic DDS. A common feature of these visualizations is that they provide the 3° https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html 3» https://guns.periscopic.com/?year=2020 » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUCV VALuCnw 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Islquok4Pdk # https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/interaktiv-grafik-her-er-flygtningekrisen