721] Digital Media and Storytelling in Higher Education of communication (n = 45) on different interfaces (e.g., blogs, news portals, and platforms specifically dedicated to DDS, such as Tableau or Infogram) to explore different types of DDS. The common feature of the interfaces was that their creators determined the order of visual elements by narrative elements. The research team found that the narratives contained both textual and iconic representations. The means of expressing the narrative and explaining the context included flowcharts with labels, text displayed in visualizations and the highlighting of text or visual elements. The elements of the narratives were linked to each other by interactions, similar colors, or animations. Navigation of the visualizations was assisted by previous/next buttons, section buttons, table of contents or maps. The exploration by the recipients was facilitated by the creators through innovative tools such as dynamic, embedded, and stand-alone visualizations. Static data-driven narrative presentations do not allow for audience interaction, they do provide a complex way of displaying multiple data contexts on a virtual canvas (Figure 4). FOOD SECURITY & LIVELIHOOD _S2r 2 Emergency R hwest Syria (Han in LE À aan BENDER 14K ALEPPO 128K 160K IDLEB 166K ies # OF PARTNERS“ FOOD DISTRIBUTION 6 & FOOD BASKETS 28K 2 S COOKED MEALS 4K READY TO EAT . > RATIONS erro) ™ 2 ED CASH 20K “Crete int 38 ay 78 parer may dave od petrance Drearh maple reepa modult en. TOTAL # OF BENEFICIARIES REACHED ALEPFO 21K e 56K IDLEB 35K Gaps at Sub-District Level for Food Security Cluster Date: 30 Sestomoe 2530 RESPONSE MODALITIES NUMBER OF PARTNERS BY SUB-DISTRICT ee € Cross Border Operations um ll 1 Benetoaies Reached WFood Sake RTERE Banenchanien Petfinscnes | m Caen Cooked Meats + mar GAP: 237K Im Z Diem Dom. Lay OE Sone CIN TT A eure Omar Sa FW. Figure 4. Humanitarian actions in Syria [dashboard] (https://www. humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/whole-of-syria/infographic/fundingupdate-2021-syria-humanitarian-response-plan-hrp-23) Figure 4 shows a visualization which provides a complex representation of humanitarian activities. In the top left, the most important quarter of the dashboard, there is a map showing the area and a color-coded representation of the number of people reached. Pie charts and bar charts below the map concretize the extent of the outreach, the ways in which assistance is being