AUTHORS —o ABRAHAM, Tomas Tomas Abraham (Timisoara, 1946) is an Argentinian philosopher and author. As a professor he worked at various institutes and universities, among others: Lécole des Roches, France, the University of el Salvador and the University of Buenos Aires (1984-1987). He was Director and Professor of the Argentine College of Philosophy, Buenos Aires, 1984-1992. He has been the Principal Professor of Spaces of Power, Faculty of Architecture, University of Buenos Aires since 1986. ALONSO, Maria Elisa Maria Elisa Alonso, has a PhD in Political Science from the Universities of Salamanca and Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle. She is currently a Political Science Professor at the University of Lorraine, France. Her work so far has focused on the behavior of political parties in Europe and Latin America, as well as on the process of change in voters’ political behavior. Among her latest publications are: La femocracia en la estructura interna de los partidospoliticos (el caso de Chile, Argentina y España) in Femmes: espace publique, espace privé, Presse Universitaire de Nancy, 2017 and Final Report (Conseil d'Europe) Freedom of Expression and Protection of Journalistic Sources, ELSA — The European Law Students’ Association: Spain, 1415-1486, 2016. ÄLVAREZ CUARTERO, Izaskun Profesora titular de Historia de America del Departamento de Historia Medieval, Moderna y Contemporänea, investigadora titular del Instituto de Iberoame£rica y del Centro de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad de Salamanca y miembro titular de FLACSO-Espana. Su investigaciön se ha centrado en los siglos XVIII y XIX cubanos, en cuestiones de historia institucional y mentalidad ilustrada. Actualmente trabaja sobre control social e identidad en Yucatan y Cuba. Visiting Scholar en la John Carter Brown Library y en el Center for Latin American Studies de la Universidad de Texas (Estados Unidos); recientemente ha ocupado la cätedra “Vasco de Quiroga” de la Universidad Michoacana (México). * 481 *