MAXIMILIANO GREGORIO-CERNADAS links them both, and moreover, projects them onto the world stage, urged by tensions between local identities and global demands, to provide answers and arguments for intercultural dialogues, and hence contribute to world peace and understanding. As soonas [arrived in Budapest, I presented my proposal to the Archbishop of Budapest, Cardinal Erd6, telling him about the successful experience of the Interreligious Dialogue Institute (Instituto de Diälogo Interreligioso, IDI, if you want to google it), created in Buenos Aires at the beginning of the 1990s under the patronage of the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and now Pope Francis. This Institution was created under natural conditions, since the Argentine society, as Dr. Hernän Otero brilliantly explained yesterday, has created a unique experience of cultural pluralism. That dialogue forum among Catholic, Jewish and Muslims leaders has been so successful that it has been projected to an international scale in America. Cardinal Erdö, not only a priest but also a distinguished scholar, wisely suggested that I propose that platform of dialogue about identity and pluralism on an academic level, asking for the partnership of the Catholic, the Reformed Church and the Jewish universities from both countries, which I found an extraordinary idea. The aim of the proposal is to articulate interdisciplinary academic dialogues, but open to multiple society sectors in order to incorporate perspectives and approaches not merely academic. After that conversation, I began bringing together the Pazmany University and the Argentine Catholic University, which are now close to signing an agreement including this matter among others. I hope I have awoken your curiosity in this proposal. Thank you very much. + 16 +