MY WAY WITH THE WORK OF SAMUEL BECKETT sentence.” I am one of them. This work is like an intermittent stream: now and then it vanishes before your eyes, then suddenly bursts back to the surface with great force. This work has been my sole companion over long years. It has given me strength to live. I have sixteen letters from Samuel Beckett and seven inscribed books. His oeuvre and the memory of his person will go with me to the end of my life. BIBLIOGRAPHY BECKETT, Samuel: Disjecta, London, John Calder, 1983. BECKETT, Samuel: Hogy is van ez (Comment c’est), Budapest, Holnap, 2007. BECKETT, Samuel: J/] Seen Ill Said, London, Calder, 1982. BECKETT, Samuel: Krapp’s Last Tape and Embers, London, Faber and Faber, 1959. BECKETT, Samuel: Mercier és Camier (Mercier et Camier), trans. Gabor Romhanyi Torok, Budapest, Holnap, 1993. BECKETT, Samuel: Meglehetősen jó nőkről álmodom (Dream of Fair to Middling Women), trans. Gábor Romhányi Török, Budapest, Orfeusz Könyvek, 2001. BECKETT, Samuel: Molloy, trans. Gábor Romhányi Török, Szeged, Szukits, 1998. BECKETT, Samuel: Molloy — Malone meghal — A Megnevezhetetlen (Molloy — Malone meurt — L’Innommable), trans. Gábor Romhányi Török, Budapest, Magvető, 1987. BECKETT, Samuel: Molloy — Malone meghal — A Megnevezhetetlen, trans. Gábor Romhányi Török, Budapest, Európa, 2006. BECKETT, Samuel: Rosszul látom, rosszul mondom (Mal Vu Mal Dit), trans. Gábor Romhányi Török, Budapest, Nagyvilág, 10/1982. BECKETT, Samuel: Three Novels (Molloy — Malone Dies - The Unnamable), London, Picador Ed., 1979. CALDER, John: Samuel Beckett filozófiája (The Philosophy of Samuel Beckett), trans. Gábor Romhányi Török, Budapest, Európa, 2006. CONNOR, Steven: Beckett, Modernism and the Material Imagination, Cambridge, Cambridge University, 2014. DUKES, Gerry: How It Is With Bouncing Bel, Dublin, Irish Times, 31 Oct., 1992, in James Knowlson: Damned to Fame: The Life of Samuel Beckett, London, Bloomsbury, 1996. Harvey, Lawrence E.: Samuel Beckett Poet & Critic, Princeton, Princeton University, 1970. Steven Connor: Modernism and the Material Imagination, Cambridge, Cambridge University, 2014, 1. «143 +