György Kurucz (ed.): Protestantism, Knowledge and the World of Science Brigitte Geißler-Piltz, Eva Nemes, Sijtze de Roos (eds.): Inspire and Be Inspired. A Sample of Research on Supervision and Coaching in Europe Johanna Domokos: Endangered literature. Essays on Translingualism, Interculturality, and Vulnerability 2018 Timea Koväcs: Code-Switching and Optimality Viktöria Semsey (ed.): National Identity and Modernity 1870-1945. Latin America, Southern Europe, East Central Europe Anita Czeglédy, Geza Horväth (Hg.): Inspirationen III - Wege Renäta Raäb: Austria’s Schleswig Policy 1848-1852 Anita Czegledy, Anik6ö Szilägyi-Kösa (Hg.) unter Mitarbeit von József Fülöp: Geopoetische Reisen in Mitteleuropa. Studien zur Sprache und Kultur Krisztina Kovács: La relation poétique entre l'oeuvre d'Yves Bonnefoy et celle de Paul Celan Adam Bethlenfalvy: Living through extremes in process drama Marcus Kracht: Knowledge and Material Culture. How much knowledge can we afford? Anikó Daróczi, Enikő Sepsi, Miklós Vassányi (eds.): Initiation into the Mysteries. A Collection of Studies in Religion, Philosophy and the Arts Judit Mudriczki: Shakespeare's Art of Poesy in King Lear. An Emblematic Mirror of Governance on the Jacobean Stage Zoltan Literaty: Rhetorical Preaching. Studies in Rhetoric, Homiletics & Preaching László Tarnói: Schnittpunkte. Band 1. Literarisches Leben des deutschsprachigen Ungarn um 1800 Anita Rákóczy, Mariko Hari Tanaka, Nicholas E. Johnson (eds.): Influencing Beckett / Beckett Influencing Johanna Domokos, Eniké Sepsi (eds.): Poetic Rituality in Theater and Literature Matyas Banhegyi, Dora Bernhardt, Judit Nagy, Enikő Sepsi, Miklós Vassányi (eds.): Minorities in Canada. Intercultural Investigations