CANADIAN LANDSCAPES/ PAYSAGES CANADIENS Smith, Cameron. Unfinished Journey: the Lewis Family. Summerhill Press, 1989. https:// archive.org/details/unfinishedjourne00smit/mode/2up. “The Cartier By-Election.” The Canadian Forum, vol. 23, no. 272, September 1943, pp. 126-127. https://archive.org/details/sim_canadian-forum_1943-09_23_272/page/126/ mode/2up?view=theater. Vineberg, Abel. “More Than Half of Cartier Voters Failed to Cast Ballots on Monday.” The Gazette, 11 August 1943, pp. 11, 17. https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=Fr8DH2VBP9sC&dat=19430811&printsec=frontpage&hl=en. Watson, Patrick. The Canadians: Biographies of a Nation. Omnibus ed. McArthur & Company, 2003. Internet Archive, https://archive.org/details/canadiansbiograp0000wats_q4k7/ mode/2up?view=theater. Weisbord, Merrily. The Strangest Dream: Canadian Communists, the Spy Trials, and the ColdWar. 2” ed. Véhicule Press, 1994. Internet Archive, https://archive.org/details/ strangestdreamca0000weis/mode/2up. Wickman, Forrest. “Fact-Checking Spock: Was the ‘Enemy of My Enemy’ Guy Really Killed by His ‘Friend’?” Slate, 16 May 2013, https://slate.com/culture/2013/05/star-trek-intodarkness-fact-checked-was-the-enemy-of-my-enemy-guy-really-killed-by-his-friend. html. Kenneth Alfred Froehling holds a B.A. (Honours) in Political Science and an M.A. in International Affairs from Carleton University in Ottawa. He has been a full-time assistant professor in the Department of Languages at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of Brno University of Technology since 1992 and an adjunct lecturer in the Department of English and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University since 1996, lecturing in both Canadian and American political history. The author has been to several international conferences dealing with Canada and has had papers published on different Canadian themes. + 174 »