BIO-NOTES Reformed Church in Hungary and head of the Division of Visual Expression at the Hungarian Psychological Association. He is an internationally established researcher and teacher of visual expression psychology. E-mail: vass.zoltan@kre.hu VASSÁNYI, Miklós Miklós Vassányi earned a Masters degree in Hungarian language and literature, English language and literature, and philosophy. He holds a PhD in philosophy (Leuven) and another one in history (Budapest). He recently gave his habilitation lecture in philosophy. His main research interests include Neoplatonism, Byzantine theology, the history of the natural sciences, and Native American studies. E-mail: vassanyi.miklos@gmail.com VoieT, Vilmos Vilmos Voigt studied in Budapest and graduated in 1963 from the Eötvös Loránd University. He worked at the same university until 2010, as Director of the Chair of Folklore, Professor and Director of the Institute of Ethnography. He is now professor emeritus, Doctor Scientiarum of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Professor at the University of Bucharest, Doctor honoris causa of Tartu University (Estonia), and founding chairman of the Hungarian Association for Semiotic Studies. His main research areas are folklore, comparative religion and literature, Finno-Ugric, Baltic and Scandinavian studies. E-mail: voigtbudapest@gmail.com Daréczi-Sepsi-Vassänyi_Initiation_155x240.indb 351 6 2020.06.15. 11:04:28