THEATRICAL APPROACHES TO MYSTERY: “KENOSIS” IN VALERE NOVARINA S WORKS The theological approach to Novarina’s theatre which I have presented is rather unusual in French theatre criticism; religion and religious issues are met with so much hatred in France that, as Novarina himself noted in an interview, he was afraid of publishing one of his texts entitled Cendres [Ashes] for Ash Wednesday in 2007, in which he wrote about the meanings of the term kenosis. BIBLIOGRAPHY ARTAUD, Antonin, CEuvres complétes. Volume XIII. Paris, Gallimard, 1974. BARTH, Karl, Church Dogmatics, Volume IV/1: The Doctrine of Reconciliation (translated by G. W. Bromiley), Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1956. BAUER, J. Edgar, Tadeusz Kantor, Kenotic Theatrology and the “Reality of the Lowest Rank,” a paper presented at The 2000 CESNUR International Conference, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 2004, http://www.cesnur. org/2004/bauer_kantor.htm (Accessed on November 20, 2018). Brook, Peter, The Empty Space. A Book About the Theatre: Deadly, Holy, Rough, Immediate, New York, A Touchstone Book published by Simon & Schuster, 1996. FaBiny, Tibor, Figura and Fulfilment. Typology in the Bible, Art, and Literature, Eugene [Oregon], Wipf and Stock, 2016. Frye, Northrop, The Great Code: The Bible and Literature, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982. KANTOR, Tadeusz A Journey Through Other Spaces. Essays and Manifestos, 1944-1990, ed. and transl. by Michal Kobialka, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1993. KrTramort, Kazoh, Theology of the Pain of God, Richmond, Va., John Knox Press, 1965. KoBLE, Nathalie, SEGuy, Mireille. “Désoubli. Rencontre avec Valere Novarina”, in Passé présent, Le Moyen Age dans les fictions contemporaines, Nathalie Koble, Mireille Séguy (dir.), Paris, ENS rue d’Ulm, « Aesthetica », 2009, p. 83-95. MALLASzZ, Gitta, Les dialogues tels que je les ai vécus, F. Maupin, transl., Paris, Aubier, 1994 (1984). NOVARINA, Valere, L’Envers de l’esprit, Paris, P.O.L., 2009. NOVARINA, Valere, Les cendres, in Mgr Andre Vingt-Trois (ed.), Qu'est — ce que la verite ?, Editions Parole et Silence, 2007, 81-93. NOVARINA, Valere, Lumieres du corps, Paris, P.O.L, 2006. NOVARINA, The Theater of the Ears, transl. by Allen S. Weiss, Sun & Moon Press, Los Angeles, 1996. s 317 " Daréczi-Sepsi-Vassänyi_Initiation_155x240.indb 317 6 2020.06.15. 11:04:26