LÉNA SZILÁRD Finally, let me add the aforementioned illustration to the meaning of the Lunar Path by William Blake, which preceded Bulgakov’s use of the same image, and which testifies that nocturnal light has multiple symbolic meanings.” > a re EL EA S a 9 = * I want! Iwant!. 2.4 i Bb GW Bho Mov pos! BIBLIOGRAPHY BAKHTIN, Mikhail, Sobranije sochinenij (Collected Works) vol. 2, Moscow, Russkie Slovari, 2000. BELY, Andrey, Simvolizm (Symbolism), Moscow, Musaget, 1910. Bey, Andrey, Vash rytsar (Your Knight), Moscow, Progress-Pleiada, 2006. BLAKE, William, For Children: The Gates of Paradise, Lamberth, W. Burke, 1793. 13 The illustration is taken from William Blake’s For Children: The Gates of Paradise, Lamberth, W. Burke, 1793. + 282 + Daréczi-Sepsi-Vassänyi_Initiation_155x240.indb 282 6 2020. 06.15. 11:04:24